Workshop Nasional Biobank IX: Biobank Infeksi
8th National Biobank Workshop
8th National Biobank Workshop in Yogyakarta (2023): Getting to Know Best Practice in Biobanks
Submission of academic manuscript of the Draft Law on Biobanks for Health
Submission of the academic manuscript of the Draft Health Law concerning Biobanks for Health in Indonesia by Jajah Fachiroh Ph.D (Chair of the Research Team) to the Indonesian Ministry of Health
Best Service with Best Quality
Biobank FMPHN UGM always provides the best service in storing and using samples
Biobank Technical Training
Biobank FMPHN UGM Laboratory Technicians provide technical training to UGM Academic Hospital laboratory technicians to support hospital-based biobank preparations
Hospital-Based Biobank Modelling in Academic Hospital UGM
Biobank FMPHN UGM collaborates with UGM academic hospital to build a hospital-based biobank
Dissemination of Hospital-Based Biobank Modeling Results
Dissemination of research results on hospital-based biobank modeling with Prof. Dr. Adi Utarini, M.Sc, MPH, Ph.D to the UGM FMPHN biobank network
Launching of Biobank FMPHN UGM
Launching of the Biobank FMPHN UGM by the Deputy Dean for Research & Development, Mr. Dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, MSc., PhD
2nd National Biobank Workshop
2nd National Biobank Workshop in 2016: Building biobank governance with expertise DR.Maimuna Mendy from BCNet WHO-IARC France and DR Bart Scheerders from UMCG-Groningen/ Lifelines Biobank-Netherland

Rangkaian Kegiatan Visiting Professor Precision Medicine in CRC di Biobank FKKMK UGM

Workshop “Tissue Banking and Tissue Engineering” di RSUD Dr. Soetomo

Biobank FK-KMK, Departemen Mikrobiologi, dan RSA UGM Bersinergi Selenggarakan Workshop Biobank Infeksi

Kunjungan Prof. Martina Micheletti dari University College London ke Biobank FK-KMK UGM

One Day Seminar: “Ethics-Legal-Social Implication in Science and Technology Advancement and Precision Medicine”

Kunjungan Prof. Jason Swedlow ke Biobank FK-KMK UGM

FK-KMK UGM Dukung Workshop Penatalaksanaan Laboratorium IPA di SMA N 1 Temon

Workshop WDMC: Membangun Infrastruktur Biobank untuk Pengawasan Infeksi di Suzhou, China
Gedung Radioputro lantai dasar sisi barat
Email: biobank.fkkmk@ugm.ac.id
Website: https://biobank.fk.ugm.ac.id