Sistem Informasi Manajemen Biobank Extended (SIMBIOX)
Biobank has a role in providing quality biosamples, The availability of high-quality biosamples has a relationship with the sustainability of ongoing research so that it can contribute to the development of science and public health. Gadjah Mada University through the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Biobank (FMPHN Biobank) has contributed to developing the Biobank in Indonesia. Along with the development of biobanks in Indonesia, the accompanying problems arose. One is the processing and utilization of human tissues and cells for health services and research purposes in Indonesia. Seeing this, the Biobank FMPHN UGM initiated the development of a computer program. The following computer program is the Biobank Management Information System (SIMBIOX). SIMBIOX provides support for the collection and processing of biosamples managed by Biobank.

Image 1. Login Page of SIMBIOX
SIMBIOX is an application developed by Biobank FMPHN UGM to provide convenience in managing biosamples in the research field. The biosample management in question focuses on the process of recording biosample transaction data, storage, and tracking to structured reporting. SIMBIOX was developed from 2017-2018. The reason for the development of SIMBIOX is that a commercial data management system is expensive, the need for data management is limited by variables, and the UGM FK-KMK biobank team has the capacity to develop an electronic-based system.
Applications are developed using web-based programming, namely PHP with codeigniter 3.x framework, which supports MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, Bootstrap-based graphical user interface (GUI) is also equipped with a log module to support application monitoring and security. SIMBIOX is currently open source and available on Github and is ready to accept cooperation for the development of health data in Indonesia.

Image 2. Homepage of SIMBIOX
One of SIMBIOX’s features is checking the availability of space/storage space. This function is useful for virtually knowing the availability of storage (in the form of a tube) in a deep freezer based on the biosample’s identical code (position code).
Biobank FMPHN UGM is also collaborating with the Indonesian Ministry of Health in developing biobanks in Indonesia by adopting SIMBIOX as one of the basic systems for the development of the BGSi (Biomedical and Genome Science Initiative) system.
SIMBIOX has been registered with Intellectual Property Rights on 2021 with no 000269393: IPR OF SIMBIOX